Zoo Med
The Zoo Med Turtle Dock® and Turtle Pond Dock® are unique floating docks for aquatic turtles to bask on. A self-leveling feature automatically adjusts to all water levels. The submerged ramp allows Turtles easy access to a dry basking area for maximum exposure to heat and UVB lamps. Available in multiple sizes to easily accommodate any size aquatic Turtle.
Turtle Dock®Zoo Med’s Turtle Dock® makes for a great basking spot for a variety of Aquatic Turtles. Let Ashley help you set it up.
Naturalistic Terrarium® Crested Gecko Kit
Reptisafe Instant Terrarium Water Conditioner
Zoo Med Day & Night Reptile Bulb Combo Pack
Hikari Pac Attack Pacman Frog Food
Zoo Med Repti Bark
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