Best Pet Reptiles for Children
Kids are fascinated by reptiles, but not all reptiles make good pets for children. Understanding what reptiles need is the first step in choosing a good snake, turtle or lizard for a child's pet, and there are several types of reptiles that can be ideal for young pet owners. Before Buying a Reptile A child may love reptiles, but before opting for a reptilian pet, it is important to understand some basic characteristics of reptiles in order to choose an appropriate pet. Adult Size: Many reptiles hatch as cute, tiny creatures, but not all of them stay small sizes that...
Good Dental Hygiene is a Must for Your Pet's Optimal Health:
As February marks National Pet Dental Health Month, it's essential that we take a moment to remember how important good oral health is to our furry friend's overall well-being. Whether you have cats or dogs, their oral health is imperative to their overall health and quality (as well as length) of life. Good dental hygiene is a vital part of your pet's long-term health. Poor dental hygiene can result in plaque and tartar buildup that leads to periodontal disease. If left unchecked, it can result in anesthesia and operations that are required to remove the animal's teeth. Moreover, in the...
How to Get Your Dog to Stop Chewing Everything
Help! My Dog is Chewing Everything Dogs are some of the best companions a person can ask for, but sometimes they can be a bit ornery. Dogs love to chew on things and they can be very stubborn when it comes to stopping them. Even though it is very frustrating, there are several things you can try to keep your house from being chewed to pieces. Why They Chew Boredom When dogs have nothing to do, they get pretty creative. Anything can be turned into their next chew toy. Teething Puppies go through a period in their life when all...
How to Get an Older Dog to Learn a New Name
Adopting an older dog can be the ideal addition to your family. Not only are you giving the dog a new and loving home, but it will give you love, companionship and so much more in return. It will take time for you both to learn to communicate effectively with one another, however – for the dog to learn your commands and expectations and for you to learn your dog's personality and behavioral quirks. Both sides of that communication start with the dog's name – but how can you change a dog's name after it has recognized a different name...
How to Protect Your Pet During the Winter
Winter can be a dangerous time of year for all pets. Especially pets that are kept outdoors. Temperatures drop to below freezing and dangerous chemicals can harm or even kill pets. Everybody loves their pets and wants to keep them safe and comfortable so, here are a few helpful tips to protect your pets during the winter months. Keep Pets Warm Frostbite and hypothermia can be deadly for your furry friends and can happen quicker than you think. According to The Washington Post, anything below 25 degrees Fahrenheit can be life-threatening to a small, short-haired dog. Make sure to put a...